
May 8, 2015

Could Leaky Gut Be A Factor In Your Autoimmune Disease?

In today’s functional medicine practice, practitioners like myself are confronted with a myriad of chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune diseases. Functional medicine is often referred to as "systems medicine" as it understands the importance of assessing and treating all systems individually, while also keeping the interconnectedness of these systems in mind. When dealing with autoimmunity however, one system in particular, the gastrointestinal system, appears to have more and more clinical relevance with autoimmunity, especially with a condition called leaky gut.

February 9, 2011

Natural And Lasting Treatment For Migraines

Migraines are considered by many to be both headaches and chronic conditions that are long-lasting, recurring and painfully debilitating. Because migraines have such a variety of  triggers- food allergies, environmental, hormonal, physical etc. – and are characterized by a number of symptoms -nausea, severe throbbing or pulsating pain and sensitivity to light and sound, the exact causes of migraines is still not fully understood by the western medical community.  As such, most people opt to take strong prescription medications to help ease the suffering and mask the symptoms.